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To Prevent Gun Violence



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About AFA




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Media Advisors
The Promise
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AFA is a NYC based talent, marketing + events agency run BY artists FOR artists.


HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy. We reach young people and music fans where they already are - at concerts and online - to inform and empower.

As the world’s leading live entertainment company, we are privileged to work with artists to bring their creativity to life on stages around the world. Whether it’s two hours at a packed club, or an entire weekend of sets at a festival, a live show does more than entertain. It can uplift, inspire and create a memory that lasts a lifetime. Bringing 40,000 shows and 100+ festivals to life and selling 500 million tickets per year is a massive undertaking, made possible by our 44,000 employees worldwide. But just because we are big doesn’t mean we do things the same way as other companies of our size.

Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Based in Newtown, Connecticut, our intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation. By empowering youth to “know the signs” and uniting all people who value the protection of children, we can take meaningful actions in schools, homes, and communities to prevent gun violence and stop the tragic loss of life.

Cauze is a community of givers. Everyone gets a personal foundation in Cauze and we follow our friends, family and favorite nonprofits. When someone is inspired to give, they can do so instantly. Unlike a transaction on a nonprofit website, donations in Cauze grow because our friends can add on. Think Venmo meets Instagram for giving.

In Plain View

In Plain View Entertainment is the production team behind the upcoming documentary feature film, A Father’s Promise, about Mark Barden's incredible journey. He survived unthinkable tragedy to become a force for change, and in doing so rediscovered his lost passion for music. The film honors the 10-year remembrance of the 26 children and educators that were taken on December 14, 2012 in our nation’s worst school shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Newport Media Advisors

Newport Media Advisors provides strategy consulting services to technology companies in media and entertainment, with a focus on the music and book publishing verticals. 

The Promise Band

The Promise Band is led by Jimmy Vivino and Mark Barden and includes Natalie Barden, Grammy-nominated Freddie Ravel, Eric Finland, John Conte, and Rich Pagano. 

©2023 by Prestige Music, Inc. / Artist For Artist

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